Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Mummy

I hadn't seen the 1999 version of The Mummy in such a long time and so when I saw it was available through my library I immediately placed it on hold. Oh, I had forgotten what fun this movie is! Brendan Fraser is perfectly cast as rugged and devilishly handsome and dashing while being a slight scoundrel so as to hide his sweet-natured goodness-at-heart. Rachel Weisz is utterly luminous as both the beauty and the brains of the team. I don't know why but my favourite thing she does in the whole film is her scream when Imhotep comes upon her. She screams like a real person, not that girly, high-pitched, dubbed scream but a full-on AHHHH!!! straight from her chest. With John Hannah as the mischievous sidekick and the rest of the cast, especially Bernard Fox, it's a perfect film and I don't know, it just made me so damn happy to watch over and over these past few days. 

(photo kidnapped from pinterest)

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