Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Frenchy and Rizzo

Senior Year of high school I was very good friends with Kathleen, a junior who moved from California that year. We usually skipped lunch and went to the computer room where we typed homework (hers, not mine, as I rarely did homework) and gabbed, just the two of us. We were not good influences on one another as is revealed in the below entry from April 25th, 1994. I remember howling laughing at coming up with offensive terms for the human anatomy and adding words to make them ridiculous and silly. I know my mother would cluck her tongue and tsk tsk if she ever read this, but personally, I think it's too funny not to post. Oh, and as for the names, a few of us gals were obsessed with the movie Grease and so Kathleen's nickname became Frenchy, Katay was Sandy, and I was Rizzo. 

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