Saturday, May 1, 2021

Time to Leave the Nest

Well, the day has come at last. I've stayed home, eaten way too many snacks, and played it safe all year. Today is two weeks exactly since my second Pfizer vax shot, which means I'm fully inoculated and safe to hang with others that have been vaccinated. First plans are with Marina, who I haven't hugged since our godmother's funeral in January of 2020. We've stood outside and chatted from afar but that was all. This evening I'm heading over with two slabs of Dodah's Lemon Cake, some Virgil's Root Beer, and we plan to get LesbiVeggies takeaway and just sit down and catch the hell up with one another. I'm leaving in 45 minutes and can't wait to get her in a great big bear hug!

post script - I was at Marina's for eight hours and it was pure bliss!

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