Saturday, May 22, 2021

Crispy Kumara Cakes

Ages ago I jotted down this recipe from Quite Good Food and decided to be brave and try it. Holy cow - it was easy and turned out delicious! I was shocked. 

½ large sweet tater (aka a Kumara)
2 tbsp flour
1 tsp curry powder 
maybe 1½ tbsp of oil for the pan

• peel and grate the swt tater into a mixie bowl
• add flour & spices plus grind in some salt and pep
• heat a lil' oil to medium heat
• squeeze handfuls of mixture together and flatten into patties
• add to frying pan and cook til golden brown
• serve with hummus or mayo (mayo is the only way to go for anything sweet p'tater, as far as I'm concerned!)  

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