Friday, May 28, 2021

15 - The Mountain

The Mountain

There's a man who wants to be a preacher or a prophet. He tells us that he has traveled the world and dined with celebrities and kings, that he has read entire libraries and can decipher the stars. "I have found the secret to happiness," he says. "And if you listen to me, I can solve all of your problems." Right now he's standing on a crate in the park, waiting for an audience. He's been there for days. Behind the park you can see the silhouette of a distant mountain that turns blue in the winter and purple in the summer. Tonight many of us will look out the window or sit on the stoop and tell the mountain our troubles, gazing at the clouds that gather around its peak like a crown while we puzzle out a problem or make a plan. We think the mountain is beautiful, but, best of all, it is quiet.

Actions should not be taken in pursuit of praise. Achieve your goals not through force but through sincerity. Wisdom requires modesty.

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