Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Cats Cats Cats Dogs Dogs Dogs

I am pretty sure that I got my copy of Cats Cats Cats by Carol Benjamin through Troll Books when I was in grade school. I loved Troll Books because every couple months we would get a mini catalog form full of books for our age group. I loved the extras too, such as posters of horses and sheets of fabulous stickers. Most of the books I would get were about ghosts (nice ones) that were haunting an old house where a young girl lived. 
I am always trying to please my inner child and so recently I came across a homemade bookmarker of the cover for Dogs Dogs Dogs by Carol Benjamin. I owned the Cats one and my dear childhood friend Vanessa Anderson drew a bookmark for it and since I couldn't order the Dogs book, she made one of the book cover for me, too. She was always one of the best artists in school and just a terrific gal. Finding the Dogs bookmarker drove me to order an old copy of the book that I once so desperately desired. It's in excellent condition and the ten year old Star would be over the moon at finally having both books.

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