Monday, March 15, 2021

The Neverending Story

I'm currently listening to Gerard Doyle read Michael Ende's fantasy bonanza The Neverending Story. I, of course, being a child of the 80s, first saw the film version on the big screen and loved it. Reading the book I am once again sucked into the world of Fantastica and wish I had read this book as a child. The character of Bastian is much more fleshed out in the book and is so easy to love, especially if you, like me, can always identify with the underdog. Gerard Doyle does a phenomenal job of bringing each character to life and keeping the pace moving on this extraordinary adventure tale.

(post script - I really didn't like it when Bastian turned in to a real shit in the last quarter of the story, but I get why and I'm glad he eventually realised what a horse's ass he was being and got it together in the end.)

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