Sunday, March 7, 2021

Celebrating the Mayans Through Colouring

This month's Sunnie Press was all about the Mayan civilization. For those of you not in the know, Sunnie Press is a coloring map subscription for kids. We created it for kids who like to color, play pretend, build cities and get lost in a little world of their own. 

I was going through a bit of withdrawal, not having seen Ashlee and the gang since January, so today I swung by and the wee gals and I each took a corner of the map and coloured. (We plan on finishing it next time.) I think if you have kids, getting them a subscription to Sunnie Press is a fantastic idea. It's fun, it comes in the mail (what kid doesn't love to get mail??), it's educational and it will keep them busy and off their gadgets for a time. 

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