Monday, January 11, 2021


I decided that this year I would resist the urge to buy, buy, buy. I know that constant purchases of books and silly things will only make me happy for an instant and that by fueling that empty happiness I am plunging further in to debt and getting nowhere with my actual life. Today this new process of stopping and realising that the item will only bring fleeting joy was put to the test. In my search for an inexpensive hardcover edition of Dominick Dunne's The Two Mrs. Grenvilles I came across a signed copy of his book, An Inconvenient Woman. It's off Etsy and is ridiculously reasonable. So much so that I can't believe it's for real. Do I need it? Nope. I already have a copy. Is it particularly beautiful. Eh, it's leather bound, so not vegan, and a little too classy for my home. Would I like to own something that Dominick Dunne once held in his hands? Hundred percent. I have a handful of books signed by the author but the ones I really cherish are the ones signed to me. (I'm talking to you, John Waters, Armistead Maupin, and Bruce Campbell!) Those are special. Owning this book would be fantastic, but I don't need it and so I have to summon the stick-to-it-ness and let someone else buy it. 

(book available for purchase as of now via daisylaneantiques)
ps - I completely forgot that I had ordered a hardcover copy of The Two Mrs. Grenvilles back in mid-December but only received it on January 13th. Good thing I didn't find another copy. ;)

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