Friday, December 25, 2020

Spinster's Christmas 2020

This year Christmas started off just right with my waking up at noon, pulling up my sleepytime eye mask and seeing a still dark room. Ooo...I bet it's only about 7 o'clock and I can go back to sleep...Nope! It was full-on Christmas afternoon and I had presents to unwrap and The Gathering to watch! I hopped outta bed, performed my morning ablutions (really I just brushed my toofahs and went peepod, but ablutions sounds much classier), then off to pop in the film, poor a glass of green juice and a wine glass of sparkly apple cider and get to opening. I did pretty good this year even though I had remembered a couple of the movies I bought. Still, there were loads of surprises and this year I had a couple gifts from friends to open as well. Here's the haul, in before and after photos:

(Bought myself two of my fave perfumes - SJP's Lovely and Born Lovely - since the woman who made China Musk died years ago and took her formula to the grave and Tiffany was discontinued as was VS's Rapture and DKNY's Creamy Meringue. I am doomed in the world of perfumery!)

I will say that I am disappointed that my instructions were not followed for the Austin Kleon book. Frankly, I didn't need or want the Keep Going book, but I like his newsletter and wanted to show some support and buy a copy. My simple request was "This book is for me! Please have it signed to Lisa Star or Lisa*. Whichever the author prefers. Thanks so much in advance!" I was clear and polite and in return got a measly, boring old "Lisa". Blah. I mean, yes, the cute drawing was fine but this book could be for any thousands of girls with the same name. It's nothing special and I wish I could return it. There, rant complete.

Here's some fun socks (plus a warm grey and white hat) I bought and RBG socks from Natalia and the fellas!! 

Cupcake socks from Miss Ivy!

Dark Crystal candle from Autumn - smells soooo good!

The last two gifts from Renee - rainbow scratch art notes (such fun!) and a sweet until we meet again... stone for my Zen Garden.

Bella totally surprised me on the 21st with a bag of treats for me - stickers and Lush's Scrubee which smells heavenly and leaves skin super-dooper soft. 

And in closing, here are some texts from today. I love spending the 25th all by myself but that doesn't mean I don't look forward to getting texts and pics from my favourite peeps!

(Backstory for the below text: On the 22nd Kayla and I went to drop a bag of Pez refills in Ashlee and Sean's mailbox so that they could be added to the contents of the girls' stockings. And Ashlee saved the cards I mailed and put them in their stockings, too.)

(I'd like to note that Lucy is an only child and that her maternal grandparents were in town so probably more than half of those gifts are from them.)

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