Tuesday, December 29, 2020

November 2020 Books

* Heartburn ¹ by Nora Ephron - Meryl Streep reading this was perfection. I haven't seen the film since high school but the book was really good, especially since I'd read Nora Ephron's previous books, I Feel Bad About My Neck and I Remember Nothing

* The Pale King ¹ by David Foster Wallace - Like Infinite Jest I find it difficult to describe this book as it doesn't have a "normal" storyline. I liked it, even though in some parts I was yelling "DAVID!" when things rambled on a bit, but I really feel like DFW's work needs to be read and re-read, at least by me. I'm not an intellectual so I do have a hard time with some of his writing, but he is worth the struggle. 

* Autobiography of a Face ¹ by Lucy Grealy
* Truth and Beauty ¹ by Ann Patchett

* Brief Encounters ¹ by Dick Cavett - Who wouldn't want to listen to Dick Cavett sit and tell you story after story for eight hours? 

* That's Another Story ¹ ² by Julie Walters - Julie Walters is a hoot and I would have loved this if it wasn't abridged. Ugh. Abridged memoirs. Like why bother if you are gonna cut a bunch of your life out of the book when you read it. Regardless, I'm hoping for a follow up that takes place when this autobiography ends.

Moby-Dick ¹ by Herman Melville - My favourite line was Best, therefore, withhold any amazement at the strangely gallied whales before us, for there is no folly of the beasts of the earth which is not infinitely outdone by the madness of men. 

Peter Cushing - An Autobiography by Peter Cushing - I loved every single page of Cushing's first memoir. What a true gent and just a remarkable human. I'll be diving right in to his final memoir Past Forgetting and then binge watching more of his fabulous films. I just adore this man.

 Absolute Pandemonium ¹ by Brian Blessed
The Fire Next Time ¹ by James Baldwin - I keep trying to get into Baldwin's writing but so far I just can't. Next year I'll try Another Country and hopefully that will change things.

¹ - audiobook
² - abridged version
* - liked
♥ - loved
Any unmarked titles were, in my opinion, so-so.

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