Saturday, December 12, 2020

December at Dark Moon

This afternoon I went to deliver a big ole tin of homemade holiday cooks to Amy up at the farm in North Jersey. Got a chance to hang out with some of the birds and see all the baby bun-buns then discuss the lack of Christmas plans and just how odd 2020's holidays are for everyone. I didn't stay long, only about an hour and a half (I always feel very awkward at Amy and Don's homes, as if I'm interrupting or being a nuisance.), but it was great to see Amy one last time this year and hopefully in 2021 we can get back into meeting halfway at a restaurant and having enough time for a good long chat. She's just the best and we need more one on one time!

(Selfie with the Young Turks!)

(^ Its Eve Turkel! ^)

(They're brothers - so dashing!)

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