Thursday, November 12, 2020

Truth and Beauty

When I had asked Autumn about her top three favourite books, she mentioned that one of them was Ann Patchett's Truth and Beauty. I saw that it was available on Hoopla, and read by the author to boot! Wanting to know a little of what to expect I found that it is a memoir of the author's friendship with fellow writer, Lucy Grealy. Who dat? I thought to myself and then clicked some more links to find that Lucy Grealy wrote Autobiography of a Face. I had heard of the book but never read it. Low and behold, that was also available in audio form on Hoopla. I checked that one out first, so as to have a working knowledge of the subject of Truth & Beauty before giving it a listen. I really loved Lucy Grealy's book and wish that I had read it in high school. I so completely connected with her and how she felt about her looks and people's reaction to her. Today I finished Ann Patchett's book and love her for her devotion, support and genuine adoration of her dear, dear friend, Lucy. I normally loathe people recommending books to me, but I'm so grateful to Autumn for bringing these two marvelous reads to my hot little ears. 

(photo of Lucy Grealy kidnapped from irishamerica

(photo of Ann Patchett by Heidi Ross kidnapped from startribune)

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