Sunday, October 18, 2020

Reunited with Emily & the Kids!!

This afternoon I got to see Emily, Ana, and Adam for the first time since the pandemic began. It was so great to catch up and chat with Em and then to sit outside and watch the kids play. Emily told me that not too long ago she saw Ana with scissors about to cut her hair but before she could reach her...CHOP! off went a big chunk from the side of Ana’s shoulder length hair. So her grandmother (my Aunt Vicky) took Ana over to a hip salon and the little lady scored a totally rad 1980s asymmetrical 'do! I flipped out over it as she has never looked sweeter or cooler. Adam was a ball of energy and whenever there was a crash in the other room it was instantly followed by an "I'm okay!" Jackson was parting with some of his stuffed pals (most of which I had given him!) and so I snagged the bestest ones for these two. The longnose sawshark was a hit with Adam: "I'm gonna name him Mr. Sharky Alligator." Hope to see them all on a way more regular basis.

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