Sunday, October 25, 2020

Grounds with Bella - Then & Now

The last time Bella and I went to Grounds for Sculpture together was June 9th of 2012. We hadn't seen eachother since our trip to Baldwin's back in February so tonight started with a much needed hug in the parking lot. It was 5pm when we met there and it was drizzling a bit. We wandered around snapping photos of some of the places we had visited last time (recreating two moments almost exact and it wasn't even planned!). Then when night snuck in, we wandered through the dimly lit paths until the rain picked up and we sat in Roark to chat and eat cookies. It was so great to see Bella after so long and especially fun to show her my favourites that she completely forgot all about.

(I love how vibrant the trees are and I never get tired of seeing this piece and of course, Heart's Desire, which is pictured a little further down.)

(This photo of Bella reminded us both of a high school graduation photo shoot!)

(It was so cool to see this piece all lit up!)

(It's Heart's Desire as seen from above and glowing through the trees!)

(I saw this piece for the first time about a month ago, but it looks so beautiful at dusk!)

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