Saturday, September 12, 2020

Return to Charm City with Kay

Originally today we were supposed to go out to Centralia so I could finally see and photograph Graffiti Highway, but they fucking covered it over COMPLETELY with dirt. Bastards. Feeling utterly let down (since I meant to go in October of last year but Zach and I never got there, then Corona came to town and has yet to get the hint and freakin' leave) we instead decided to drive to Baltimore, check out Graffiti Alley, hit MOM's for lunch, and maybe stop at Atomic Books. The drive was fantastic with loads of chit chat and great background tunes. We went straight to the MOM's in Hampden for a peepod break and grabbed Naked Lunch to eat in the car, then off to Graffiti Alley, which was, of course, closed. Well, not closed exactly, but there were tons of people there being professionally photographed for what looked like a birthday party. Not to be refused my chance to snap photos of street art for the second time in a week, I pulled out my white privilege, parked Roark up on the sidewalk, hopped out to grab a couple pix, then we were off back to Hampden. We parked, paid, then walked up to Atomic Books for some new reads. Oh, it was closed, except by appointment. Unreal. We just said eff it and headed back to Philly. The best part of our day was stopping at The Chesapeake House on the way home and, I am not kidding, it was a parade of puppers. There was one family we saw that was adopting two dogs and then a slew of other people walking their pups before hopping back on I-95. We sat there for nearly thirty minutes just so happy to see all the cuties.

(Kayla took this pic on the sly of the sweetest little puppy ever - it made up for Atomic Books being closed.)

And here's a video Kayla captured:

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