Thursday, May 25, 2017

My 6th Bday

Good old 1982 brought me one of my best birthdays. How cute was I? Freckle faced and blonde with flawless skin and crazy amounts of confidence that would soon disappear. It's kind of strange to look at these photos and realise that the girl at the party is actually me. Seems like someone else.

Dave and me for my breakfast time giftie!

Kari, Carrie, me, Elaine & Jenny

Tweety Bird cake! (with m'Da's belly in the background)

Check out my fab Godmommy rockin' out in a Jackie Stallone headband. Looks like this was the year I scored R2-D2 Underoos!!

It should come as no surprise that I still have this Smurfs All Star Band album.

Here's an utterly gorgeous Nana Irma letting me crash out on her lap. (Check out those Springtime bruises on my shins! Most likely injuries suffered from playing on my bike and the swing out back.)

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