Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Hangin' in Harlem

Finally, finally after close to two years, Natalia and I finally reunited at her apartment in Harlem. It may have only been the second time we hung out in person, but it's like we are old friends. We had a fabulous lunch at The Edge followed by vegan-cheating at Patisserie des Ambassades for dessert. IIt was nice to wander around Harlem and bump into all of Natalia's friends, but just talking with Natalia was so damn good. She is an exuberant and vivacious lady who sets me right at ease and is just absolutely wonderful. I'll be going back to see her in July and help her and Brett pack up their belongings. Can't believe she's moving to Honolulu! I'm super excited for her though and hopefully I can save my pennies and visit her in a year or so. 

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