Monday, April 10, 2017

The King's Inns, the Quay, and More

First thing after getting dressed and ready, Bella and I went right to The King's Inns to see The Hungry Tree up close and personal. It was so nice to check it off our To Do list!

Then we walked a half hour down to Wolfe Tone Quay to snap photos of the Anna Livia sculpture. We loved her exaggerated long hands, feet and legs. She was one hot bitch.

Then we walked aaaallllll the way back to Parliament Street (past the Guiness Brewery) to hit the loo at Dublin Castle again.

Then we wandered through the city, passing good ole Molly Malone and finally reaching our destination off Duke Street. 

I could not believe that my favourite Belgian Chocolatier has a shop in Dublin! Oh how I love Leonida's...

One hundred and sixty-two Euros later we stuffed our backpacks to capacity with delicious chocolates and headed home for...

Tomorrow we are searching for more street art and hopefully seeing the old Trinity College Library. Stay tuned! 

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