Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Touring Edinburgh

Fear can be so debilitating. Isabella was most afraid of taking the bus to the city, since she's never been on one before. I'm just afraid of everything else that could go wrong - what if the bus app doesn't work and the driver is mean? What if we have to walk an hour into the city and an hour back? Where am I gonna peepod? Uh-oh, maybe my phone will go out of service and we'll get lost. What if we get tired and don't make it to Dean Village? And so on and so on. But we both took a deep breath and figured it all out. It was extremely touristy, but the Scots we did meet were warm and so very kind. (And the men are beautiful.)

On the bus. Ours had plaid seats!

The Scott Monument:

I got mixed up and forgot we were on Princes Street and not the Royal Mile, but as luck would have it, we reached Calton Hill instead! Since I knew we were not gonna climb to Arthur's Seat, I felt we should at least climb to see the view from The Hill. It was worth it. Even the halfway point when I went to reach for my asthma inhaler and remembered that I don't have asthma. 

Then we went in search of the train station so that we could toss our bags in a locker tomorrow while we walked around before flying home to Dublin at 9pm. 

Waverley Station has a loo!!! And it was only 30p. Now I could relax. On the way to the station Bella spotted The Arches a little ways away so we headed over to Juice Warrior for lunch!

I got Caramel Cream and Bella chose Heart of Gold. Mine was yummers to the max. 

Then we were off to The Mile. I was super surprised to discover that Edinburgh is crazy hilly. Lots of steps and steep inclines. Not like in Positano, thank the living Lord, but it was hell on Baby's feet. 

Ramsay Gardens:

The Writers' Museum was the building I most wanted to see in Edinburgh and it was just gorgeous. 

The Castle!!

Holyrood Park and Arthur's Seat in the distance:

Greyfriars Bobby, who is kinda like Hachi in Japan, but might not be entirely true. Still one cute pup, tho!

Walking to find a bus back to Newhaven every street and every building was stunning. 

Victoria Street:

It felt so wonderful to reach the Lindsay Street flat, take off our shoes, get in our Jammie-Jams and watch Micky Flanagan's Detour de France

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