Wednesday, March 8, 2017

IM'ing with Kimmy!

I was assigning stuff to Kim at work and labeled her section as Kimmy Kim Kim Of the Kimmy's of the Kimdom of Kimminess. Her response via Instant Message was as follows:

KSP: Kimmy Kim Kim Of the Kimmy's of the Kimdom of Kimminess

Star: HA!!! i told you i went bananas this time

KSP: That is ridic awesomeness

Star: i told cec that it just popped in my mind and i started typing
my brain is a scary scary place

KSP: I love. I want to crawl in your brain and hibernate
Come out in Spring and wake up as witty as you

Star: there's certainly room for you!!
OMG - you are hilarious

She wants to crawl in my brain and hibernate. God, I love her!

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