Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunday with Family

Ashlee's sister-in-law passed away very suddenly last Saturday so she and Sean (and Bailey, too, of course) were able to fly up from Jacksonville for a week. They were busy with Sean's nephews and his mother but luckily I got a chance to see them this morning before their flight back home. MJ and I had plans for lunch so it worked out perfectly.

After monster hugs and lots of "be safe", "love you/love you more"s, MJ and I were off to Panera. Hadn't seen him in ages, so we had lots to catch up on. Then it was time for a visit with Mum and we two ran down to spend an hour or so with Nana Irma, who is frail and very thin but as sweet and hilarious as ever. I made it home in time for a quick bite and some Hart to Hart (no surprise) then I'll be out the door and headed to see Bishop and Pax for the first time in six weeks. I can't wait to see them and get a big ass hug from Bish - I've missed his hugs!

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