Saturday, December 31, 2016

Silly Office Imaginings

Not too long ago Leon from the West Coast office stopped in to the Philly building on one of my at-home days. Since I missed out on the opportunity to meet Leon in person, Lovely Miss Mel scored me a selfie of herself with Leon and Kev. I rewarded Melanie with my ridiculous concoctions of the alternative lives the three of them might lead:

but really - it's like you can see him (Leon) in a Gap ad, laughing with the guys while sporting a pair of chinos and a wool pullover, standing among the leaves on a college campus playing touch football with his fellow students - "Gap - we make clothes for your fabulous life"

you i don't see as a model....more like the Final Girl in a bad a$$ slasher film
yeah - and you would drive an '84 camaro

Kevin i see as the manager of a convenience store by day who moonlights as a private eye - "Dreel Investigations - We Keep It Dreel"
omg - i just made myself lol
kev drives a black porsche, tho

After a horrible year, I wanted to end my 2016 posts with something utterly absurd. Mission accomplished??

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