Thursday, March 3, 2022

Heading to Dublin

And here's how it all began... ~2nd Sept. 2015~

like 10-20 min wii workout + Highway to Heaven ep → love it! • 21 • work til 4:30 • rip "Outlander" audio book, all 28 discs and put it on pooPod (iPod) - me & Mum to see Nana for a bit at 4:30ish • stop at Lucas to peepod & grab gloves • see Hot Neighbour Bernard - practically a nudie patootie in only grey sweatshorts & sandals • score a big hug & get a "safe trip" - so nice! • PHL by 5:45ish • ✓ in & then TSA w/zero problems • sit at Gate 26A • eat my graze snacks • continue from last night's sneak peek of Outlander D1 (w/track 5ish) • while waiting a janitor came 'round sweeping under the row of seats & I lifted my legs straight out like a goofball so he could sweep under my seat. "Oh, you ready fer me? That's what's up." Ha! • chillax • board at 8:30ish in seat 31G & meet my seatmate - Natalia C-something who has lived in NY (Harlem) for 13 years and came straight from Argentina & didn't speak any English • she has tons of close friends • was an only child • mother deceased • 7 year old son Teo (she's a single mom) loves to travel all over South America & Dublin is her 1st trip w/o Teo & to Europe. She has friends here (in Dublin). She is super hilarious & easy to chat with • was vegan but gave it up for rice with lamb - ha! • she's not a big drinker, loves to return to Argentina & see her aunts and cousins • she is bilingual & so is Teo • her bday is (I think) June 1st - she's a Gemini & a 1976 baby! she is currently in school, but not sure what...journalism? (lol! #tbt) - we exchange emails & Instagram tags & take pix with Freddie Apple Bear. Read some of "A Walk in the Woods" while Natalia watches "Maleficent" then chat some more.


3 Sept
Nat takes a nap and I listen to more "Outlander" def prefer the book character of Claire than the TV version get some sleep til the lady with the cart CRASHES into the back of my arm rest like she was driving a fuckin' big rig. Scared the shit outta me and Natalia woke up and said out loud, "FUCK!"
• chat some more • upon landing - oh we see (out Natalia's window) Ireland and all the greenery and it's gorgeous! - the boy in the center row (12 / 1234 / 12) seat, like 31D, starts puking into a bag • the sound gave me and Natalia the giggles - BAD and made me cover my ears and fight off the naseeau/naesea/nausea? • land at 9:30ish • wait at Customs and see a young (20 yrs. old?) girl crying at the customs counter. Argentine Gladys Kravitz says maybe her passport is expiring soon and they don't wanna risk letting her in • get luggage a lil' before 10AM • her Irish fella/pal/bestie (Cormac) meets us - hug and smooch on the cheek for me - say so long 

connect to airport wifi • contact Ian via Airbnb • text Mum • upload pix to Instagram • smoke by taxi stand • sit at Oak Café Bar on upper level and hear remake of S&G's "Cecilia" --> a good sign! and Robbie Williams' "Love Supreme" • chillax peepod Spar for €25 SIM card that actually works • seek a quiet place to listen to more "Outlander" until 1:30ish • get up to disc 5 • head out to cab stand at 1:30 to meet the effervescent and wonderful Robert O'Sullivan. 

I sit up front and we chat and laugh the whole way to Mountjoy Square. He lived in London for a bit - he went to school there (as an adult) • he loves Boston • agrees that NY is too much • says Dublin is very cosmopolitan • loves Galway and thinks I'll really like it • warns me to stay left at roundabouts when driving • he has six sons and seven grandkids - one on the way - his son's wife is 2 months pregnant, she's an American and they live in Las Vegas • another son is six feet tall (Robert's only 5'6") and is a Garda (like a cop but I don't think they carry weapons) • arrive and fare reads €16,40 • ask if €20 is okay and apparently it is and he's very grateful • gets my bag and says thanks for the conversation and I score a hug and smooch on the cheek. Wished for me to have a lovely stay - oh and I told him before I got out that he was a gem and when we got my luggage he said "you are, as you say, a gem!" - such a sweetie!

call Ian • he arrives in minutes (he lives at #35) • he is immediately put off by my hug (idiot) and is as cold and seemingly irritated as Karin was • how annoying • connects my wifi • tells me how to turn on the heat and seemed like he had so many other better things to do. Didn't want to chat or be friendly. He was handsome (at first) and bearded then just became a kind of douche who cldn't be bothered with me and didn't like doing laundry and he was fuckin' militant with his HATRED of it. (I had asked him how to use the washer/dryer combo that was in the kitchen and he kept saying to just take my clothes to the dry cleaner on the corner.) Dude, it's socks and trousers. Suck it up and be a man. So good thing I brought enough clothes cuz the w/d is out. (stupid) • he leaves • I unpack and inspect the place a bit - kinda dirty - like needs dusting and the front of the tub is grimy and in need of a Bon Ami scrub. Needless to say I will not be taking a bath • mold around the caulk • oh and the people upstairs? You can hear every mother fucking creak. 

Walk down to Tesco on Parnell (beautiful pale-ginger coloured fella working the front line needed me to sign (bc I paid with a foreign credit card) and says "You may be famous one day...cheers..." so dreamy...) at 4ish • back to 47 • relax • Instagram • have the pita, hummus, and couscous plus Sierra Mist from the plane • so fuckin' tired - bed at 8:30ish

up around 11:30 pm feeling it must be near dawn and very awake. Ugh. Got an email from Natalia - she's free tomorrow AM and we make plans to explore! Listen to more "Outlander" bed around 1:30ish

Side notes:
• Natalia's staying at Castlewood Terrace Dublin 6 until Tuesday morning
• the stewardesses for Emirates airline are all stunning and match: same uniform suit/skirt, heels, hairbun/scrunchy, hat with white swoop, luggage, purse
• Robert had a sweet stumble/stammer/slight stutter - so endearing!

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