Wednesday, June 8, 2016


So Helen Coldwell, the genius behind Bad Books, had posted a few things on Instagram about a series called Vikings. Then photos of the two main actors kept popping up in my feed for the beard oil companies I follow on IG (what a shameful thing to have to publicly admit - my obsession for furry faced men knows no bounds) and so finally I started asking around. No one I knew had seen Vikings and those that had heard of it knew absolutely nothing about the show. Over the weekend I snagged a copy of season one from the library and with exceedingly low expectations (since I loathed the first season of both Game of Thrones and Outlander and can't be bothered with either series and they seem to be in the same vein as Vikings) I settled in Saturday night and started disc one. Well damn it all to hell, I actually seriously really like the series. I'm not bananas over the fact that the Vikings just sort of storm into a village, kill everyone for no reason whatsoever and then make off with the goods, but I do like Lagertha - she's my fave character - and even though the lead guy is a vicious beast in many ways and I disagree with at least 97% of everything he does, he is portrayed with great depth and feeling. Ya gotta respect the writing and acting that goes into making a bad guy someone you don't completely like, but don't despise either. Season two and three, here I's come!

(photo kidnapped from pinterest)

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