Friday, April 29, 2016

Green Porno

Yesterday I got the chance to watch this hilarious, endearing, adorable, and educational documentary based on the short films and stage works by Isabella Rossellini. Isabella Rossellini's Green Porno Live! is a marriage of Ms. Rossellini's love of art, film, theatre, and expression with her love of biology. Essentially Green Porno explores the differences in sexuality, sexual function, and sexual life in animals and insects. It was seriously fun and fascinating. I have such an affinity for beautiful women with short hair, since it feels like they are following their own path in regards to their beauty and how their beauty is perceived (men are obsessed with women having long hair), so for that one reason I have always admired and liked Ms. Rossellini. But to see a beautiful woman who did not fall back on her looks and just cruise through life, but who is interesting, intelligent, erudite, funny, kind and willing to look silly is a rare and remarkable thing. I truly appreciate her work as an artist and am already trolling Amazon for the Green Porno book!

(photo kidnapped from brunchnews)

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