Sunday, March 20, 2016


Today is the day I leave for three weeks abroad. Thankfully I feel completely prepared. Not psychologically, but otherwise I am totally ready!

tickets ordered for flight to Rome and return flight from Dublin
accommodations in Positano, Rome, Antwerp, and Dublin
ebags purchased for easy-peasy packing
ride to and from the airport arranged (thanks mama!!)
ticket for flight from Rome to Brussels
ticket for flight from Brussels to Dublin
✔ dollars changed to Euros
car/shuttle to and from Naples train station to apartment in Positano
small suitcase packed and weighs under 30 lbs (well, close to 30 lbs.)
Bad Books journal designed, ordered, and packed
audio books and playlists uploaded to iPod
print out info for shuttle - Brussels Airlines - Ryanair - Airbnb addresses and info
credit card companies alerted of travel plans
 - Cap One
 - Visas - Slate, Amazon, and Sapphire 
mail placed on hold
Borghese Gallery ticket purchased
photocopy of passport for Andrea
list of places to visit in Rome and Ireland
set up international data plan for iPhone

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