Monday, February 22, 2016

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

I am such a nerd for sappy shows like Little House and Highway to Heaven and had always thought it was just my love of Michael Landon, but then I watched an ep of Signed, Sealed, Delivered a year or so ago when I was in Belgium. Needless to say, I came right home and bought the season, loving every gooey moment and wiping tears practically non-stop. Some scenes are so cheesy that I needed some Ritz crackers, but I love a sweet story line and this show had a slew. I'm not crazy about anything that push God on you or is overly religious, but for some reason the three series that I mentioned here do not bug me at all. I find them totally endearing and just what I need on a sad and lonely weekend.

(photo kidnapped from christianfilmdatabase)

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