Friday, February 12, 2016

Barbra Streisand

Growing up in the late 70s and throughout the 80s, hardly a day went by without Ms. Streisand's voice on our radio or from the speakers of the record player. I loved to go through my mother's albums and stare at the beautiful woman on the cover. She seemed to me like the ideal grown up lady. With her perfect hair and smile, those lovely cheekbones, gorgeous nose, lips, and of course, those signature long fingernails usually painted a vibrant deep red, I was entranced. Barbra Streisand is the reason I stopped feeling so disappointed with having brown hair and blue eyes and gave me hope that one day I might be as sophisticated and fabulous as the lady on those albums. As I got older I continued to admire her for her incredible fashion sense, her ability to be equally funny and serious and especially her drive and ambition. In short, Barbra Streisand equals fabulous!

(The Way We Were album photo kidnapped from music-bazaar - Memories album photo kidnapped from lpcover - Simply Streisandalbum photo kidnapped from fanart)

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