Friday, January 22, 2016

Things That Make Me Happy

In my Steal Like an Artist journal there was a section telling me to ask someone what to do with the blank page. Isabella told me to write down the things that make me happy, so here they are for me to share with you!

planning an adventure
working OHD
Maria Bamford
spending time with:
days off
yummy guilt-free eating
shopping online
making someone laugh
reading old emails from Bryan
writing on my blog
losing weight
gaining better health
smoking cigarettes
genuine hugs
getting mail (letters!)
inspiring conversations
kindness - kind people
kind acts
coming home to a clean house
being pain-free
listening to great music
watching movies or fab TV shows!
Jonathan & Jennifer Hart
being perfectly warm (not hot)
seeing my toenails painted
laughing til I cry (w/Marina)
The Onion
reading a really good book
John Waters!!
Blackbird Pizza & Govinda's
getting and giving massages
admiring the male figure...
long, hot baths
Valenzano Cranberry White Wine
choc. chip cookies
walking around Antwerpen
feeling like a local in Dublin
Hugh Jackman on Broadway
clear skin
taking a great picture
reading my blogs!
Tim Commerford...
visiting museums
Tom Waits' voice
finishing something
letting go of things
cool bookshops
food shopping!!

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