Monday, January 11, 2016


I am completely and totally stunned. Bishop gave me his copy of Black Star last night to check out (by the way it is brilliant) and this morning I awoke to find that David Bowie is gone. It's just so unbelievably sad. So, so very sad.

(gorgeous photograph kidnapped from consequenceofsound)

(post script - Bishop sent me an email with this lovely statement from Elvis Costello. It's beautiful and I wanted to share it and save it here:

The right words would be written in ink on card, not to be seen suddenly and brutally, like the news. In acknowledgement, the lights on this particular, peculiar little theatre will be lowered for a while. With deepest gratitude and respectful condolences to the family and friends of a truly great artist, beautiful melodist and elegant gentleman.

Elvis Costello is nothing if not a true class act. This brief message from him made both Bishop and myself get very, very weepy.) 

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