Saturday, December 5, 2015

On Her Majesty's Secret Service

(photo kidnapped from movieposterartworkfinder)

From the fast paced initial fight scene on the beach to the heart shattering final moment, this is James Bond at his best. George Lazenby's Bond is tender and tough who falls (and who wouldn't) for the loveliest Bond lady ever - Diana Rigg. She matches his brute with her fiery strength and every moment they share onscreen is electrifying. 

For me, the major flaw in the 007 series is the ridiculousness of the romance aspect. Bond meets his leading lady, they fall in bed instantly and the next morning act as though they are madly in love. For me, love at first sight is believable in something like Romeo & Juliet. No one doubts that a pair of teenagers can look at one another across a room and fall in love, because at that age it's possible to create and follow an instinctual desire without making sense of it. As an adult, I find it terribly far-fetched when grown-ass men and women meet and within moments act as though they are soulmates. It's a bit preposterous. On Her Majesty's Secret Service is my favourite Bond film because the romance is believable. He rescues her from her suicide attempt and later, before they've even leapt into bed, he shows a genuine concern for her well-being. He cares. You see this couple together in everyday life (during a music montage, of course) and see them fall in love. It's refreshing. True, I could do without Bond's philandering at Blofeld's digs in the Alps and the slap he gives Tracy in the beginning, but I can overlook it for all the sweet scenes between the two of them. Oh, and the song, We Have All the Time in the World. It's the most beautiful Bond song of all time. A damn fine film.

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