Monday, November 30, 2015

The Hateful Eight

Saw the trailer for this film at Pax and Bishop's Sunday and had no clue that Tarantino had another film in the works. (I'm so out of touch, I know.) Anyway, Pax informed me that Tarantino had recently said that he really didn't like that a great number of law enforcement officers were murdering black people. Apparently, the law enforcement community got kinda upset at this statement. Ponder that for a moment. The people who are trained and hired to prevent crime (murder being one of them) are upset that a fellow citizen is against the crime of murder. They are so enraged by this that they have collectively decided to boycott the film. Hmm...oh-kay... So, anyway, from the kitchen, Bishop hollered in, "Well at least I know I'll be safe in that theatre! The one place a black man can go." Sadly, our dear Bishop is not a fan of Tarantino films, so just me and his white hubby will go. Now if we could only find a theatre that was free from both the police and loud, obnoxious people...ah, yet another dream to be unrealised...

(photo kidnapped from ew)
(post script - I did NOT like this movie. Got a little more than halfway through and had to stop. Tarantino makes films for himself, which is completely fine, but I'm not gonna sit on my day off from my lame job where I feel worthless and sad for eight stinking hours and watch something that makes me feel physically ill and even more disgusted with humanity.)

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