Sunday, November 22, 2015

Take Shelter

I first saw this film back in February of 2012 and recently picked it up at the library to give it another view. The very end was so-so, but aside from that, the entire film featured zero acting. It was like watching a story unfold and you are quietly watching, unbeknownst to everyone, from the other room. It was spellbinding. The scene that stood out the most was when Michael Shannon's character kind of goes off the deep end a bit and makes a huge scene in front of friends and neighbours. Jessica Chastain, playing his wife, was perfect. I expected her to slap him out of embarrassment or just do the same thing you'd seen over and over in other films - get angry and walk out on him - but she didn't. She recognised his pain, that he was sick, and stood by him. It was a pivotal scene and the reason I went back to watch it again. I just loved it. Such a beautifully done piece of filmmaking.

(photo kidnapped from impawards)

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