Sunday, June 16, 2024

Leaving for Japan

Not sure if Nana Irma would approve of my sharing this letter...but it's a lovely time capsule of the early years of her marriage to Grandad Tom while he was in the service during the Second World War. It was no secret that he absolutely and completely adored Irma to the ends of the Earth. She loved him in return but never with the same passion and intensity as he had for her. This letter was particularly touching when he mentions having seen a stage show that was put on for the troops and wishing to have seen it with his bride. A lot of his letters during the war mention his daydreams of her; seeing films together, decorating their home, and mostly just being together doing every day things. He was a romantic to the core and I wish that he had lived for as long as we had Nana Irma. 

7 Sep 45

My Darling:

Well we are still waiting for the word to load up on the planes and take off for Japan surely we must go to day. The first battalion of the regiment pulled out last night and we are allready and packed up waiting for the word to leave.

Last night I saw a wonderful stage show it was a Marine show with Dick Jurgens orchestra, they are all in the Marines and they certainly did knock themselves out and put on a grand show. There was an excellent ventriloquist, several good comedians and the band played some really good music. The movie that followed disappointed me somewhat it was Here Come the Waves but I did not think it was up to Bing Crosby's or Betty Hutton's standard.

No mail today darling from you I got a paper from Marjorie Koch but that was all, yesterday not being very busy I wrote a lot of letters I answered Lorraine's letter also Jeanne Bloger's and Ray Kern's and I dropped a letter off to mother besides writing you that long letter. If I have time after I finnish this I will write to Mercedes.

Whenever I see a good stage show it always make me think very much of you how I would have liked to see that with you and enjoyed it together then we could have gone home grabbed a bite to eat and talked it over and then to bed. My darling do you know that I believe you will develop bed sores for a week or more I need you so much that way and every way. It makes me very happy to think that you miss me in that way or have you forgotten those wonderful nights. If it meant as much to you as you made it seem why I can't see how you could have forgotten. You are such a wonderful wife in so many ways, beautiful, intelligent, a good conversationalist and a magnificent bed partner, I am proud of the fact that you are my wife I believe it is my biggest asset.

So long for now darling I think of you constantly and adore every little thing about you soon I may be once again by your side at least it wont be too long it is near enough in the future that we can think about it anyway and a few months ago we darent even hope that our meeting could be so close.

All my love

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