Wednesday, October 7, 2015

These things go together like... creamy peanut butter and strawberry jam!
  • me & Bishop (when he's in a good mood)
  • walking and iPods
  • cold weather and warm scarves
  • The Onion and laughter
  • pen & paper
  • strong arms and warm embraces
  • Kathleen Hanna & Adam Horovitz
  • rainy Saturdays & (vegan) grilled cheese w/tom. soup
  • Oreo cookies and my mouth
  • my bare feet & Positano's beach
  • soft lips and long, lingering kisses
  • Wayne and clever quips
  • Jackson & cuteness
  • winter nights and the smell of a fire (in a fireplace, of course)
  • Marina & one-eyed over glasses side glares
  • comfy beds and sleeping late
  • Glenn & good deeds (no matter what)
  • Guinness & good lookin' bartenders
  • an open road and a fast car
  • Antwerpen and chocolate
  • office work  & audiobooks!
  • me + you
  • Two Boots Pizza & my digestive tract
  • a good book and oodles of time

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