Tuesday, October 20, 2015

B.'in Good with Jaeden

Sunday afternoon I picked up Jaeden in Philly, ready to hit Blackbird Pizzeria in Center City and then walk around and explore. Then it started to spit. Not rain so much, but the sky over the city as we crept down I-95 was foreboding and ominous. "God damn it!" I said with considerable irritability. "I really want pizza today and I brought the wrong effing bag and left my umbrella at home. We can't walk around in the rain. This sucks."

Jaeden is, like so many of the kids in my life, utterly unflappable and totally adaptable to any situation. So, we decided to hit the Main Line and go to Blackbird in November. I knew there was a place on Lancaster Ave that I wanted to check out, but damned if I could remember after wracking my pea-sized brain for twenty minutes. With much ennui, I turned to Jaeden and asked, "Can we just go to Panera and get you a grilled cheese with bacon? Is that okay?" I was totally playing him. I knew all I had to say was "bacon" and Jaeden would be 100% on board. He was.
(Please note that while Jaeden looks miserable, in actuality he is not. It's all a front in an effort to look super cool. Thing is, he already is the coolest of the cool, no matter what.)
We pulled into the parky lot and walked to the Panera entrance and what was right next door. Like, right next door? B. Good. "Oh my GOD!! That's the place! That's the place I was trying to remember!!" We looked at the menu on the glass beside the door and I told him they had burgers that were not vegan. "I could go for a burger..." Jaeden said, suppressing excitement at having a juicy cow rather than a grilled cheese. 
I love a place that accommodates various diets and B. Good had meat for the lad and yummy vegan grub for lil' ole me! I was so beyond full after I cleared my plate and totally had a case of the itis. I looked across at Jaeden and said slowly, "Oh my god...I am so freakin' full right now...I feel like I'm about to give birth...to a veggie burger and fries...Ughhhhh....." Then Jaeden smirks and says, "Aw...it has your eyes." It was so cute and so Rosemary's Baby that I couldn't help but laugh. Such a great guy and I am really looking forward to our Center City adventure at the beginning of November - rain or shine!

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