Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Best Offer

Still not sure how I feel about this film...the ending has left me with very mixed feelings. I think that had the main character been portrayed by anyone other than Geoffrey Rush that I might not have liked it as much. The Best Offer was beautifully shot and filmed quite romantically (in my opinion at least) with the score adding warmth to the coolness of each frame. The story was unique, strange, and oddly intriguing. The only thing I did not like at all was the one scene where a room full of people laugh ridiculously at Mr. Oldman. Adults usually do not uproariously and outwardly laugh at someone when they have made a mistake. That scene felt dreamlike and incongruous with the rest of the film. That aside, I think I rather liked it. Especially Geoffrey Rush as Virgil Oldman, a character that I immediately understood.

(photo kidnapped from circlecinema)

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