Monday, September 7, 2015

Galway for the Day

I was able to cancel the car rental for Tuesday, but couldn't cancel my reservation at the hotel in Galway because of the late notice. I'd have been charged the price if I backed out at the last minute, so I decided, why not! I'll take a lovely train ride, listen to my audiobook, stare out the window and then walk around Galway for the afternoon.

Well, that's not exactly how it went. The way there I was in a rail car with half a dozen college age twats that were louder than hell itself and boozing it up the whole way. I hate young white kids. They are so obnoxious. I arrived in Galway and it was lousy with young people and tourists. "Doth mine eyes deceive me??" I thought to myself, "It's a motherfucking Monday and it isn't summer so why aren't these bastards back at school??" I checked in to the room and immediately decided I needed to leave. It was stuffy, I couldn't find the switch for the AC unit, there wasn't a tub, the shower was moldy and ga-ross, and there were two single beds. Um, I booked this fuckin' room in MAY for one person - ME. Clearly since I have an email address and a credit card AND I'm traveling alone, that's a hint and a half that I am an adult and not an eleven year old wanting to sleep in a freakin' twin size bed. Bullocks to that. OH! And I couldn't connect to the wifi. The signal was nil at best. What a joke. Freddie Bear and I stayed for about a half hour, I charged my iPod and iPhone for a bit, went down to the desk, lied and said an emergency just came up and I need to immediately leave for Dublin. She couldn't give me a refund, but I didn't care. I'd have paid an additional hundred Euros just to get back to Dublin.

The train ride home was wonderful and more than made up for the rough start to the day. I stared out the window with my headphones on and took in the scenery. The mountains in the distance took me back to the taxi ride in Colombia, the rock walls made me think of Innisfree from The Quiet Man, and the animals grazing reminded me of the train ride Nicole and I took in Italy. What a sensational way to end a less than ideal day.


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