Thursday, September 17, 2015

Disney 1986

My Aunt Bernadette went to Disney World when it first opened and loved it so much that she declared right then and there to take each and every one of her nieces and nephews to experience this wonderful place. And she did. Went bankrupt doing so, but she took all fifteen of us and paid for everything. She wisely waited until each were about ten or eleven years old; she rationalised that at that age, one was still young enough to enjoy everything and be mature enough to behave properly, do as they are told, and not whine while waiting in line for the rides.

On October 9th, 1986, my parents and brothers walked us to the gate at the airport and waved goodbye as we settled into our seats on the plane. This time Aunt Berne took me, my cousin Jenny, and Berne's sister, Gina, my godmother. It was seriously one of my fondest childhood memories. For once, Jenny and I were entirely spoiled. We could stay up as late as we wanted, eat fries with every meal, no veggies!, go on any ride we wanted as many times as we wanted with zero complaints from the grown ups, and if we liked something and Aunt Berne noticed that we did, she bought it for us.

After we returned home, a few months later, Aunt Berne presented us each with a photo album of our adventure. Sadly, over time, the pages all fell apart, so I am a-scannin' them to share and keep forever right here on this wee lil' blog. Here is day one at the park, October 10th.

(You know it's the 80s when you see two ten year olds asleep in bed with their Cabbage Patch Dolls.)

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