Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Dirty Pretty Things

I absolutely love this:

The Saddest Truth
The saddest truth is realising you have fallen madly in love with what can never be.

Kayla texted me this weekend and thank goodness she did, because I immediately moved Michael Faudet's book from my Amazon "saved for later" list and right into the shopping cart then on its way to me! As soon as I opened it today, I was completely absorbed. It's so good.

(I am certain that no one aside from me is interested in reading my text message conversations with a 15 year old girl. However, no one forced you to read them, so I take no blame. But in looking back, I did overdo it a bit with all the exclamation marks. What can I say, Miss Kayla makes me so stinkin' happy that I can't help but go bananas with !s.)

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