Thursday, August 20, 2015

How To Get Away With Murder

To be fair, I am only late in seeing this show because I don't have TV. I first heard about How to Get Away With Murder when it came out last year and then of course, it was all over the place and I couldn't escape hearing about it. And ya know what, it is all true, this show is incredible. Ms. Davis is astounding. Uh duh, like when isn't she? Has a role been created yet that she couldn't take on and blow us all away? I doubt it. What I like most is that her character is real. She is angry and short-tempered, kind and rational, intelligent, but does stupid things, she is emotional - imagine that! - and isn't ashamed when she yells or screams, throws things, becomes frustrated or cries. Such a brilliant performance of a richly multi-faceted female. I particularly admired and loved the scene where she stripped off her wig and all of her makeup to show what's underneath. What a gorgeous gal. (BTW, when I first saw the poster for this I thought it was starring Taraji Henson. I don't think the below photo really captures Viola Davis. Just this lil' lady's opinion, tho...)

Honestly though, the entire cast just stuns. They all meld together and form a unit that moves the story further and further and keeps you right there with them. Each character is unique and adds their own certain something that makes this show what it is. It definitely lived up to all the hype, and then some.

And lastly, oh my goodness, and be still my heart, Jack Falahee? A dreamboat if ever there was one. I'm not usually one for pretty boys or super young dudes, but Jeez Louise, this fella is just a joy to watch. (Looks and acting included in that statement.)

(photo of poster kidnapped from subscene - of cast, from huffingtonpost - of jack, from dailyjackfalahee)
(post script - Matt McGorry as Ashton is a complete and total clown. A douchebag, as we say in Jersey; but man, oh man, does he make me bust up laughing every time he's on screen. And Charlie Weber as Frank? Oh sweet Jesus...that beard, those eyes, that dapper dress code he is forever sporting, all totally makes me weak at the knees...)

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