Monday, August 17, 2015

All Growed Up

Yesterday I had lunch with Jaeden and right after I snapped this pic, I looked at it, then at Jaeden and realised, holy shit, Jaeden is practically a man! We had a totally fabulous time together, discussing the upcoming Fear the Walking Dead as well as the next season of The Walking Dead. I told him all about the book A Walk in the Woods which led to talk of bears and then, inexplicably, to sharks and the terrifying basking shark. I'm so looking forward to the fall when we can spend a whole day in Philadelphia, checking out funky museums, new pizza joints in South Philly, the Keith Haring mural in West Philly that I am dying to see, plus wander through Magic Gardens, visit some comic book shops and score me some vegan goodies at Sweet Freedom Bakery!! I really can't wait.

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