Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Three Days of the Condor

This is a near-perfect film. It's got everything - charm, edgy sophistication, exceptional writing, a sense of realness, fine acting, light humour, intrigue, danger, excellent casting, a touch of romance, and it takes place in 1970s New York City. Oh, and it's a Pollack/Redford picture. Need I say more?

When I was a freshman in high school my grandmother wrote down a list of films she thought I might enjoy. They were Three Days of the Condor, Enchanted April, Flight of the Phoenix, Eye of the Needle, The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit, and, just for fun, she wrote down Law & Order. My mother, always a Redford fan, told me how much she liked Condor and said I should definitely see that first. It's been at least, ten years (probably more) since I last watched this flick and it was even more fantastic than I remembered.

Redford is one of those actors that is so unbelievably handsome that he could have just coasted on a career of portraying hot leading men in dull romantic comedies and no one would have blamed him. The trouble is, Redford is an actor, not just a pretty boy. He's untouchably-good looking while at the same time making you feel like he could play your boss at the grocery, helping you stock shelves. His performances are legitimate. He is convincing in any role he takes on and therein lies the longevity of his career. If you haven't had a chance to see Three Days of the Condor, grab yourself a stiff drink and some mixed nuts and settle in for a hell of a ride.

(photo kidnapped from collider)
ps - If I worked in grocery with Bob Redford as my team leader, I would front and face those shelves til the end of time.

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