Sunday, June 7, 2015

Seen In Charm City

Ohmigod, how I would love to have a Ford Pinto like this to drive around town. It's fantastic in every way. I've always named my cars after men, but if this sweet ride were mine, she would have to be called Marleina.


  1. In the 70's, my other grandmother "Nanny" had a yellow Ford Pinto! In fact, on my blog a couple months ago you can see it in an Easter photo from 40 years ago I posted on there.

    But Ms. Star, I have to admit that I'm using this comment as an excuse to make an announcement:

    Oh yeah! Melody Gardot's new album! Oh yeah!!!

  2. NO WAY!! I had no idea that Miss Melody had a new album! I'm off to Amazon and iTunes to compare prices. I do so love that lady's sweet, sweet voice.

  3. Yes, it's very interesting (and really good). It's a departure and has a 70's funky feel.
