Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Blackbird Graffiti

Not sure if Blackbird Pizzeria intended their bathroom to become like a rest stop toilet off the interstate from the late 1980s, but it certainly is. And I love it - especially these cute lil' guys:

(i'm sorry, but foot foot? totes freakin' adorbs! i was sittin' on the peepod when i saw it and couldn't help but laugh. too stinkin' cute for words.)


  1. Hmmmm..........I wonder . . . . if maybe that graffiti artist was a fan of the Shaggs. You know, the sisters who recorded that Halloween classic song "It's Halloween". On their album is a song called "MY PAL FOOT FOOT". Coincidence?????

  2. Oh man, the next time I go to Blackbird, I'll bring my Sharpie and write "Long Live the Shaggs!!"
