Friday, June 5, 2015

Baltimore with Kayla

We finally made it! Kay and I have been talking about a day trip to Charm City for almost a year and we had such fun last Saturday. Walking Baltimore by Evan Balkan was wonderful to guide us around the city and there's still so much left for us to see on our next trip!

After hitting the Whole Foods on Smith to peepod and stretch our legs it was off to Atomic Books and to walk around Hampden. Next time I'm in Baltimore I'm bringing cash so I can grab some goodies at Hampden Junque. The gent behind the counter was so super nice that I wanted to take him home with me.

A return to Two Boots Pizza! This time I starved myself and devoured two slices of my favourite vegan pizza ever - V for Vegan. Yum-may!
After Two Boots we were off to Charles Village to check out the Painted Ladies houses. What a gorgeous street!

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