Sunday, June 28, 2015

Abi Bump's Progression

Following along with Kat's pregnancy has been such fun. Her hubs isn't as interested this time around (why, I have no idea - he's totally missing out!), so she's sharing all of her weekly pics with me and I love it. She is such a great mom to Evie and little Miss Abi Grace is in good hands with Mama Kat! (thankfully kat doesn't read this blog. i doubt she'd be thrilled that i've posted all these photos online...)
(Below photo added July 4th - Kat's due date. Miss Abi refuses to leave her mother's comfy womb. Kat and I have discussed rental options on Airbnb.)
She's here!! Abigail Grace 9lbs 6oz was born July 8th at 10:43am. (look at that nose!!! those chubby cheeks!!!)

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