Sunday, May 3, 2015

Bad Books? Badass Books, more like...

In May of 2012 I purchased my first Bad Book from Helen Coldwell of Durham, England. I've been ga-ga over her travel journals ever since. The last two I purchased were custom made exactly to my specifications and they are gorgeous!
Here are photos of the ones I currently own, starting with the first and straight on through to the most recent.


After receiving the photos of my first custom order Bad Book, Colour My Life with the Chaos of Trouble, pictured below, I was beyond ecstatic and had this to say: OUTSTANDING!!!! You have far exceeded my expectations and I seriously couldn't be more pleased with the outcome. I can't wait til it reaches my hot little hands and I can begin filling its pages with more of my adventures. Lady, you are out-of-this-world fantastic and I sincerely appreciate your creating this work of art just for me. It's like the Tom Hiddleston of books, the George Clooney of journals, and the Benedict Cumberbatch of bound paper! (It really is.)

For my next trip abroad, I went right back to my fave etsy seller. Here is an excerpt from my correspondence with dear Miss Helen: I'm back with another request! This time I'm looking for the Michael Fassbender of travel journals, since I'll soon be off to Ireland in early September. Up to the challenge? I already have my suggestions and wishes all lined up...
Once the journal was complete, Helen responded with, I hope you're pleased with the result! I made it while watching two great Michael Fassbender movies, Jane Eyre and X-men. I'm pretty sure the pages have absorbed some of Fassy's magnetic presence...!
Me: Oh didn't you SWOON over him in Jane Eyre??! So handsome... The journal looks absolutely superb. Dark and moody outside and then open to reveal sunshine and happiness - just like me!
And finally Helen endeared herself to me all the more when she said, PS I literally swooned watching Jane Eyre. Literally.
If you, dear reader, are ever in need of a journal, for travel or otherwise, you will find none better than those at Bad Books.

**Post script, entered May 5th - received my latest journal today and seriously had tears in my eyes at the lovely bonus gift that Helen included, with the nicest note in the universe. Check it out:

Is that fantastic or what? Only problem is, Helen forgot to sign it! I'm tellin' ya, this woman is the absolute cat's meow.
(for those of you not in the know, that there is Michael Fassbender as Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre.)

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