Saturday, April 4, 2015

Last Tango in Halifax

I know I've been posting WAY too much about TV shows, but it's my escape! I just started watching Last Tango in Halifax and oh my gosh, it's so cute. I love Derek Jacobi and always have. So handsome, so talented. He's the god damn cat's meow, if you ask me. Anyway, back to the show. There's a scene in the pilot episode when his character, Alan, finds out that his childhood sweetheart, Celia, had actually, all those years ago, sent him a note explaining her whereabouts and providing her new address. She hadn't stood him up; she did genuinely care about him! Well, the look on his face instantly reminded me of Rick's reaction to seeing Ilsa in Casablanca. He was devastated. You could immediately see his mind piece together what might have been, had he received that note. It was an astonishing reaction and some of the most authentic acting I've ever seen. After the scene was over, whilst wiping away tears (when did I become such a softie?!?), I thought back on his expression and thought to myself, how in the hell did he do that!? That's Jacobi for ya. A supreme gift for conveying so much in a single expression. Can't wait to see the rest of the series!  

(photo kidnapped from samuelrjackson)
(ps - Derek Jacobi's accent (Yorkshire, perhaps??) is dazzling. I hang on his every word.)

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